The phone number that is best for fellows' to use when contacting the clinic is 966-7199. This leads to an immediate answer. Patients are given the number 966-7198, which leads to several options (including leaving messages for the nurses, financial officer, social work, etc.). When paging teams, putting in 966-7199 is usually the best line to leave. The fax number to the clinic is 966-4587.
Paul Behe is the clinic's front man. He coordinates scheduling patients, entering labs and imaging orders, room assignments during clinic days, and some patient communication. He is an essential part of keeping scheduling a smooth process, and ordering imaging/labs, and sending out letters to patients. He can be helpful in many ways:
- Scheduling appointments: You can send Paul a phone message via WebCis, to request an appointment for a patient in need. In general, in that message you should include the exact or approximate date and time you'd like the patient to be seen, and the diagnosis or reason for the visit. Remember, all fellows have a set schedule for any given clinic day (typically, two new patients, and four return visits). You can override or overbook only by speaking directly to Paul (via WebCis or in person), as overbooking requires your permission, yet is sometimes necessary.
- Ordering labs and imaging: This can be accomplished one of two ways. First, a phone message can be sent to Paul, as above. Always include the indication for the labwork or imaging. If ordering imaging, be specific (include what is being imaged, by what modality, which side...right, left, or bilateral, and if it should be done with or without contrast).
- Sending correspondence to patients: If you'd like to send a patient a letter, for any reason (verifying normal lab results, asking them to come in for labwork, reminding them of the need for the annual PPD, etc.), you can type the letter up in a phone message and direct the message to Paul, asking him to print it out and send it to the patient. This can also be done for correspondence written on a patient's behalf (to another care provider, to insurance company, etc.).
Because he controls the schedule, be sure to "cc" him on any email correspondence when requesting vacation days that will need to result in cancellation of a clinic day (in addition to emailing Dr.Quinlivan, Lynda Bell, and Kirsten Leysieffer).
In addition to the above, Paul is usually helpful in answering most questions involving the ID Clinic, or directing you to the proper person to ask. Be sure to keep him high on the list of persons to treat well, as he can make your life alot easier!!! :)
Yvonne Carter, MD
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